Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Bon Voyage

Two great travel stories caught my eye this week. The first, Prada in Cuba, shot by Arena Homme + magazine, has that really rare quality of merging with the location, not just using it as an exotic backdrop. I love the expressions of the boys' faces, and the clothes look like second hand finds Cubans would actually wear. It doesn't make me want to buy Prada, it makes me want to go travelling.

Next, an India photo journal by photographer duo Sean and Seng, whom I just realized, writing this sentence, shot the Prada in Cuba story (!). So much for coincidences and coherent taste. The two went to India last year to relax from work but couldn't resist taking photos there, "a place where something extraordinary is never further than round a dusty corner, beyond a shadowy street or in the crowded market place..."
Here some of the earthly erotic results. I have never seen a better photo journal of India.


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Picture of the Day

From exhibitions to exhibitionism.

Keith Haring, showing all.